Finally a bittersweet but meaning post

 Tonight I was putting my two kids to sleep. Because they fought in the afternoon, so I told them, they are brothers forever. Even if there is one day I am not around, they should be good brothers together.

After a while, my five year old kid started to sob... and he told me he felt sad about what I said. I hold him tight and tell him that I will be with him for a long long time.

I know my second son is very sensitive, but that is very very sensitive. 

I don't know if I should regret saying those, but at last, someone cried for me except my parents.


There is no hope.

有個人坐在地上哭, 天神問他為什麼哭. 

他說, "我破產失去了一切, 所以哭"

天神說, "不怕, 我把所有產業給回給你". 他就快樂的走了. 

又有個人坐在地上哭, 天神問他為什麼哭. 

他說, "我全家都得病死了, 所以哭"

天神說, "不怕, 我把你家人都復活". 他就快樂的走了. 

有個人坐在地上哭, 天神問他為什麼哭. 

他說, "我跟XXX, XX了, 所以哭"

這次, 天神也沒辦法了, 跟他坐下來一起哭











Reflection During Retreat

Rediscover the height and depth of the tiny portion of God's infinite attributes that I am able to understand. Realize that He is far more trustworthy than I think. By Trusting Him 100% in every aspect of my life, esp. the most important part of my own family. He is the One who designs and provides. In His timing, plan and orchestration. Believing He will make all things beautiful no matter what the future will be.
Put my hope in Him even though every circumstances dims. Walk steadily with His righteous guidance.
Read Psalm everyday. He is my joy and comfort. Other than Him, no on can comfort me. Trust in His decisions. Focus in His will, knowing it, understanding it, doing it, persevering into the future.
Rest in His arms, that carry me closer to His heart.

Trust God, my Provider, my joy, my Best Friend, my King.
Remember His goodness and grace to me. His infinite wisdom, power, and majestic sovereignty. Put my WHOLE heart in Him. Focus in my duty given by Him.

To my gracious, majestic King of Heaven and Earth.
Declare my loyalty to strive for His glory.
To fall in awe of Your deeds and wonders.
Remember your goodness, grace and care.
Comfort is when I know that God is great, infinite, caring and faithful.

By Your love, please take care of me. I pray.