
A woman in US killed her three children by starving them. (video link here)

Well, you may say an extreme case it is. However, similar kinds of parenthoods are all around in Singapore, according to my friend who is a social worker specialized in child abuse cases. Parents do not want their children, torture them emotionally or physically.

Someone has children and he does not treasure them. Someone who doesn't have children and he wants them very much.

In the mist of chaotic reality of sins, this is a song that reminds me.


曲:黃國倫  詞:黃國倫

他們說 世界太寂寞
為愛付出一切 只換來眼淚
花兒開 花又謝 轉眼一場空

我承認 留不住天真
感動我 鼓勵我 珍惜我所有

我相信 上帝的悲憫
母親的眼淚 孩子的眼睛
沉默的謙卑 勝過世界喧嚷的驕傲
我相信 真心

我相信 愛情的堅貞
守約的可貴 寬恕的美麗
無悔的奉獻 點亮生命深藏的意義
喔 我相信 真愛常新

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