
I've been to places. There are a few places that left some intensive emotions in my heart, namely, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and India.. What is the common thing of these countries? Some families there earn US$0.50 for a day only and it's not even enough for survival. It reminds me of my childhood when I stayed in an SS area (slum + scum). Areas full of exposed drains emitting strong smells, with rats which is bigger than cats, the "four poisons": prostitution, gambling, drinking, drugs(嫖赌飲吹), you name it. If God wants to destruct cities again like Sodom, I was in one of these.

These thoughts just cannot get out of my mine. I am not in such poor situation anymore but why are we depriving them. Are we? I thought of it when I went to a coffee shop auntie and hand over eighty cents for a coffee. I thought of it when I look at the leftover junk after I finished a McDonald's meal. I thought of it during the burning of money in the new year fireworks.

Do I make sense here? Are you still with me?

We may think of their poverty is NOT from us. We, so called developed countries, are sucking blood from undeveloped countries. We obtain materials, fuels, labour, from them but paying them peanuts. Sometime, when we are organizing some charity campaigns for these poor countries, I got a feeling of Dracula promoting blood donation.

On the other hand, see what is important in developed countries. Eating duck tongues, pig stomach, fish sauce and maggots are considered as Fear Factor and on the contrast, people are starving in other countries. Children in wealthy country will complain about a glass of water because it has no ice, while other children have to drink water after it's used for shower (or even more disgusting usages). More worse, emotionally children are protected and you cannot hurt their self-esteem by not scolding them, but you know how many children died each day without even living a life like a dog in an advanced country?

Here is some extraction from the song, "on the other side of the world":

我曾在夜裡哭泣 因為愛情已遠離
你也在夜裡哭泣 只是天空很久沒有下雨
我常常向上帝禱告 希望工作愛情 都順利
你默默向上帝禱告 只是希望下一餐 會來的更早

我曾經上街去遊行 抗議政府要給更多福利
而你在槍聲中躲避 戰爭使你顛沛流離
我有幸福的家庭 暑假想去歐洲旅行
而你在廢墟中哭泣 你的爸爸媽媽在哪裡

P.S. I was once in the Big Brother Project in US. My job is to be a good friend to an "abused" child in order to help him. The police was once surrending his home because his father beated him and they beleived this child should be protected and helped "psychologically". Later on, when I met and talked with this "victim" kid, I discovered he was so pissed off and made his father angry. All because of his father did not give him a playstation, and his reason was, he deserved it and it is his father's responsibility of giving him that.


Jo Jo said...

This is a big heavy topic. I would thank God for His providing when I thought of it...

Victor said...

hi brother,

shall we limit our usage of water when we take shower or brush our teeth?
or maybe we shouldn't wash our cars too often...
no playing of golf because it just taking so big piece of land while others have no place to stay?
or stop buying new things in 1 year? i read somewhere in US they started this...to make public aware of the consumptuous lifestyle they're living.

I've the money. I work for it. Therefore it's mine and up to me how i use it......well seemingly those people are not aware that they're not the only ppl living on this planet.

glad to read ur post. u've very deep thought...hopefully it wont depress u too much :P

Probato said...

I don't know what should I do.

However, it reminds me from time to time that we should not help ourselves and others to use resources unwisely, and also to be thankful for what we already have. At least, i told myself not to be angry with a taxi driver if he purposely went on the long way to get $2 more out of me. And, also will make me to show apprecietion to the coffee auntie and give her a smile and genuine "thank you" for her coffee.

How many times we forgot to treat some others like humans. As our modern society getting more and more "civilized", we treat the McDonalds aunties as vending machines. Then we expand it further and sometime we treat people around us in the same way.. or halfway.