Fire Breath!

I like spicy food. There is one good one in China town here. One of my students brought me there when he graduated. (Of course I like the Chinese wine there... please don't let our BSF TL know.. ) The alcohol mixed with the insane hot food just dance inside my mouth. Of course, we can do the same thing with Korean food and their soju, or Sake with Wasabi. However, it's still the Chinese ones more powerful. I am very happy that I can take the "hot" food. >_< There is a saying in Chinese, but I don't know which version is the right one, maybe someone can help me. Is it:

四川人不怕辣,湖南人怕不辣,贵州人辣不怕 ? or
湖南人不怕辣,贵州人辣不怕,四川人怕不辣 ? or
江西人不怕辣,四川人辣不怕,湖南人怕不辣 ? or
四川人不怕辣,湖南人辣不怕,江西人怕不辣 ....?

Anyway, I like the dish "夫妻肺片" most. I feel like I got nine fingers now. (?) Probably I will be attracted to someone who can cook rather than someone who is pretty :P

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