Knowing Good? or Knowing God?

In the Sunday school teachers' retreat, the speaker said, "We are not teaching the children how to be good kids, we are teaching them who God is."

Totally aligned with BSF studies of Genesis this year, are we learning how to be a good person through the lives of those people in Genesis? Or are we learning what are the attributes of God, through His faithfulness and grace to work in His people's lives?

Who is/are the main character(s) of Genesis, or the Bible? Adam, Eve, Enoch, Noah, the Patriarchs? or God

If we do not know how faithful God is, how do we know that we are not faithful? Substitute the word "faithful" with every adjective of God, such as holy, loving, patience, wise, sovereign, you name it.

It's only the personal relationship of knowing God that made all the Patriarchs to do what is right in God's eyes.

What I finally want to say is, we sometime do not understand what means by a relatioship with God by "knowing God".

We do not know what "knowing" means.

P.S. Please don't argue about the first statement. I do NOT mean we do NOT teach our kids to behave well, I meant there is a priority only. That's my broken English.


Nana said...

Knowing God is a process. God uses different people and puts situations in our lives to let us know Him. Only when we put in our faith, then will we experience Him, then will we know the meaning of abundant undeserved grace, everlasting faithfulness and sacrificial love. That’s how we know God and grow in faith. Abraham knew his God, if not, he would not have obeyed God’s call to leave his country to go to a place he didn’t know (Gen 12) neither would he have been willing to place Isaac on the altar as an offering (Gen 22:2). David knew God, if not, he won’t be always seeking God in his every decision and went down history as a man after God’s own heart. These are only 2 of the many examples in the Bible of men who knew their God. Closer to home, George Muller went on as usual one morning to say grace for breakfast when there were no food left in the orphanage to feed the orphans. He knew his God is faithful and will provide food on the table for the orphans he was caring for. Just after he said grace, there was a knock on the door and there was milk and bread enough for all the orphans. Amazing providence. Such faith can only come from knowing God.

The main responsibility of a sunday school teacher is to influence children, both young and old, to know God and to have a growing relationship with Him. If a Sunday school teacher does not know God, sad to say, he or she will not be able to influence the children to know God either. It was once said: If a child graduates from a sunday school class without knowing God (be it accepting Christ as saviour), the teacher has failed in his or her duty as a Sunday school teacher.

Great is the calling to teach in sunday school.

hamster said...

"It was once said: If a child graduates from a sunday school class without knowing God (be it accepting Christ as saviour), the teacher has failed in his or her duty as a Sunday school teacher."

Isn't that a very stressful comment? And isn't knowing God - that is, defined by accepting Christ as saviour - the responsibility of God? We can only do our best and leave the rest to God.

Nana said...

I agree that's God's responsibility. I'm just saying that it's a responsibility to check: to tell the Gospel and to do assurance of salvation.

Knowing God is not just defined by accepting Christ, though that is the first step to really know God.

Unknown said...

Probato, Would you explain what "knowing" means?