My Chocobo
This is my 'truck' back in US, called 'DAIHOU 1'.
Remember that it serves very well, not only as my private car, but it is also the 'bus' for all others, and the 'truck' to help people to MOVE HOUSES! Although its colour is so old fashion, and also old (1990!), it still runs very well even i don't mentain it much :P . I guess it serves the Lord well also.. we just use it as the 'bus' to give people rides for sunday services and fellowships. Also remember I drove it from Illinois to North Carolina.
Chinese Quotations
橫眉冷對千夫指,俯首甘為孺子牛- 魯迅
鮑子曰:‘汝忘君(齊景公)之為儒子牛而折其齒乎?- 《左傳》
酒酣或化莊生蝶,飯飽甘為儒子牛 - 錢季重
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